Gabby “Pops” Pahinui is a Hawaiian music legend, a man considered to be the father of the unique and popular Hawaiian art form known as Hawaiian Slack Key. His memory was enshrined at Waikiki Beach Walk in 2017 with the installation of his statue next to our Plaza Stage.
Since the unveiling, Waikiki Beach Walk has honored this legend with
Makalauna ...a celebration of Hawaiian culture, music and affection for the man beloved by many.
On Saturday, October 15, after a 2-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Makalauna returns to the Waikiki Beach Walk Plaza, and longtime friends and Pahinui family members, along with notable guests will gather to reminisce and celebrate Gabby’s memory.
The ceremony will start at 4:30 with personal gifts, offerings and remembrances from family and friends, with musical tributes from some of Hawaii’s most distinguished Hawaiian music artists, with the event concluding around 7:30 p.m.
This is a truly distinct and poignant Hawaiian cultural event shouldn’t be missed.
Longtime friends and the Pahinui family will gather to honor “Pops” Pahinui on Saturday, October 15.
All photos courtesy of Waikiki Beach Walk